The Magical Journey of John and Adele

A thriller, a pleasant story, or a toolbox of ideas for improving your relationship? You decide!

John and Adele have been together for over two decades and have a son. Their relationship has been on a downhill trajectory for many years.

One evening, en route to their holiday destination, they run out of fuel in a remote location. To whom can they go for assistance? Suddenly, in the darkness, their lives take an unexpected turn. They meet three mysterious but benevolent strangers who offer to help them and pose to the couple an unusual challenge that seeks to address the core problems in their marriage. John and Adele find the proposal odd but tempting. While it may have advantages, it could be risky and dangerous. But unresolved emotions, unhealed wounds, and long-buried memories left unaddressed can also have hazardous and unpredictable consequences. Will they dare to accept this challenge or not?

Meet the Mastermind of Adventures on the Road. He always has the route strategically plotted, and he is never less than two steps ahead on this journey.

Meet our intriguing Aromatherapist. Clairvoyant and mysteriously allied to the powers of Nature, she can see through you, despite what you would like to conceal from her.

Meet our gentle but strangely perceptive Life Guide. She creates a magical atmosphere of compassion, kindness and unexpected turns of fortune which propel everyone forward on this odyssey.

This unique novel, while aimed at taking a fresh perspective on relationships, is uplifting, relaxing, and is meant to be enjoyed. It can be read on two levels: as a surprising story, or as a realistic guide to life’s potential for self-discovery and contentment within a partnership.

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The Magical Journey of John and Adele
ISBN: 9781805141525, hISBN: 9781805144427, eISBN: 9781805147671


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Presentation for French Speakers
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Listen to an interview with the authors on Talk Radio Europe
About the authors

About the authors

Under the pen name of Ancius M. Murray is an Irish-Lithuanian team made up of a physicist, a lawyer, and a creative writer - that’s us!

Perhaps you’ll find what we’ve done here is extremely difficult to achieve;  a consistent novel of magical realism written by three authors with different nationalities, cultures, and languages.

When we started out on this writing project as friends, we also thought it might be impossible. But, propelled forward by inner forces we didn’t really understand, each one of us made a unique contribution every day. We knit together a beautiful tapestry now unrolling in front of you. 

Step on to it and glide on our carpet into your magical journey with John and Adele.

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